Take Payments

Aztec.cash allows user with an account to take payment with no extra cost or fees and with simple almost plug and play javascript code

Sample code

<script src="https://aztec.cash/js/pay.js"></script>
    payBtnSel: '#qrc-pay-btn',
    amtSel: '.woocommerce-Price-amount bdi',
    sym: '$',
    uts: 'USD',
    percent: 0.20,
    uid: 111,
    usr: 'pay@me.now',
    ref: nonce,
    cbff: function(ret){

Just copy-paste this code into your HTML and adjust the parameters to meet your needs and your are ready to take payments


  • payBtnSel: HTML Dom selector of element that will initiate the payment process (eg. a button) if not provided payment process starts right away.
  • payBtnLab: Label to put in the payment button.
  • outer: If true uses the outerHTML to send the payment button.
  • amtSel: HTML Dom selector for the element that holds the amount (eg. textbox | div).
  • amt: Numeric amount if amtSel is not set (eg. 200).
  • sym: Currency symbol (eg. $).
  • utsSel: Currency denomination selector
  • uts: Currency denomination ISO code 3 (eg. USD | MXN | EUR)
  • percent: If only a percent/fraction of the amount is to be paid here you specify (eg. 0.10)
  • pcmsg: Percent message to show if present
  • uid: Your userid from aztec cash, you can also user your user email in usr parameter (eg. 2312)
  • usr: user email used in aztec cash account (eg. payme@me.com)
  • ref: Reference id number/text that will get passed in the call back object to take the appropriate action
  • cbff: Call back finish function that take an object holding the payment information return object {ref, expected, received}
  • cbpf: Call back progress function when qty is being received return object {ref, expected, received}
  • cbef: Call back error function when error occurs return object {ref, error}
  • cbif: Call back initial function when processing starts (can be used for testing)

Payments by URL


URL: https://qrc.cash/bill-reader/?rusr=<your@user_email.here>&rqty=<Quantity of QRCCs to received>

You can take payments direct to your account email by providing this URL, but you get no notification of payments received, but can set amount or quantity of QR Code Credits (QRCC).

Take donations

URL: https://qrc.cash/bill-reader/?rusr=your@user_email.here

You can take payments direct to your account email by providing this URL, but you get no notification of payments received or have control over the amount or quantity of QR Code Credits (QRCC).

Thank you for using Qrc.Cash payment API, if you have issues or questions, or need help just email us at api@qrc.cash